It’s smart, it’s precise, it’s clean
A revolution in Tank Monitoring
- Measures the level of fluid in virtually all kinds of tanks – from the outside!
- Easy install guarantee – get started in 15 minutes
- Wireless monitoring directly in your smart phone
- Create your own application
- The sensor can work alone or together with up to nine other sensors

Latest testimonials:
For a fuel tank.
To bring the boat into compliance with French regulations
Som en bensinmätare på en chopper motorcykel.
Det finns ingen mätare och ingen reserv så soppatorskar är ett stående problem.
Kan/vill inte göra åverkan på tanken och hoppas nu att GP ska göra jobbet.
Verkar bra
Per (Hönö, SE) 12 February, 2025Recommended for water tank.
Edward (Swieqi, MT) 11 February, 2025Please have a look at these six movies
“You could say “Knock and listen” but it’s more sophisticated than that…”
All you need in the box
Calibration and editing
From one sensor to multiple on one tank or on several tanks
The winner of the grey, black and waste water tanks race
Wireless Tank Monitoring
Sensor Technology with Bluetooth
You could say “Knock and listen,” but it’s more sophisticated than that. The sensor technology is built on a method of monitoring the local mechanical properties of a fluid tank. A Gobius sensor exerts force onto a tank wall and causes it to vibrate. An accelerometer is part of the sensor, measuring the vibrations caused by the force and transmitting the signal to the sensor processor. The processor’s algorithm calculates a vibration value each time the sensor measures.
The Gobius Pro sensor is mounted outside metal or plastic fluid tanks—no more mounting on the inside of the tank, no more drilling of holes. The sensor can work alone or with several Gobius Pro sensors on a tank. The sensor has built-in (BLE) Bluetooth communication for Android and iOS phones. In addition, the sensor has two outputs for integration, for example, in bus systems, control relays, lights, or buzzers. Useful for all kinds of fluids, like fresh water, fuel, oil, grey/black water, and wastewater.
Gobius Pro vs. Old indicators
Gobius Pro
- Measures from the outside of the tank (metal and plastic tanks)
- Reliable, never in contact with the waste water
- Easy installation with your smart phone (Bluetooth)
- Easy to integrate with control systems
- Integrated instant support functions
Old indicators
- Measure inside the tank
- Unreliable, always in contact with the waste water
- Indicate full even if the tank is empty
- Drilling holes are needed
- Always a leakage risk
New add-on products
We have expanded our product family with several products.
With these you can easily connect our tank sensors with analog instruments and NMEA2000 systems.
The app
The Gobius app is used to program the initial settings of the sensor, display measurements, as well as function as a platform for remote support. You can customize the setup for your application, as well as name and group sensors.
Software updates, instructions and support are done via your phone. The languages are English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian and Swedish.
Gobius Pro sensor technology
System integration
The sensor allows integration to operating systems in different ways. 2 digital outputs with on/off signal are included for connecting to external system. A signal can be received at various liquid levels for control of e.g. pumps. The system also supplies relays (12/110/230 Volts) and GSM units for surveillance and reporting of tank level information.
– Quick and easy installation
– Bluetooth communication
– 2 Digital outputs, on/off signals
– Mounted on the outside of the tank, nothing on the inside
– No drilling of holes
– Easy to retrofit on an already installed tank
– Never in contact with the contents of the tank
– Handles tanks with aggressive and sterile liquids
– No maintenance
– No risk for leakage or odour
– Cost-effective
For all these tank materials, max:
– Stainless steel, 3 mm
– Steel, 3 mm
– Polyethene, 12 mm
– Fibre Glass, 8 mm
Intellectual propety
Patent: Sweden 0701520-9, US 8.448.509 and Europe 2165164
Trademark: Gobius, owned by Gobius Sensor Technology AB