Piotr (Ösmo, SE)

Fick den av en kompis som installerade den i sin båt men behöver inte den lägre.
ska mäta septitanken när den börjar bli ful.

Peeter (Västerås, SE)

Kolla nivån i septiktanken.

Steve (Richmond, US)

Cuz it’s an external sensor.

Juha (Raiiso, FI)


José (Madrid, ES)

The GOBIUS level was installed in our sailing boat “Baranda”, a HANSE 388 built in 2019, which we bought brand new.
We regret to inform you that, from the beginning, we have had problems with your levels (water, fuel and waste tanks). In fact, we never have gotten correct an stable readings, which is causing us important concern.
As an example, we are asking for support for the waste tank sensor, which is not working properly from the beginning.
Please , can you help us with this important issue?
We can send you fotographs inmediately
Thank you in advance,

Steffen (Copenhagen, DK)

For gray Water tank

Jörgen (Sölvesborg, SE)

Nyfiken på om den funkar.

jan Oskar (Oslo, NO)


Daniel (Torslanda, SE)

Det verkar lätt att installera och förmodligen drift säker

Dock så har jag svårt att få igång den på min IPhone

Mvh. Daniel Tiberg

Andrew (By Penicuik, GB)

Factory fitted option

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